Memberships & Donations
Members of Soul Talks Incorporated play a valued role in assisting the charity to promote the prevention and treatment of death anxiety and the relevant symptoms of this mental distress.
In striving to find meaning and purpose a person is encouraged to view life as a soul having a physical experience. With this view comes the opportunity to feel a sense of accomplishment, pride in one’s effort and a connection to a supportive Greater Reality.
Soul Talks Incorporated is not connected to a religion or political party and seeks to promote an energetic reality of Oneness.
Step 1
Download application form here:
Step 2
When completed email the application form to for Board approval.
Step 3
A letter of acceptance will be forwarded to you with a link for payment of the membership annual fee. This fee is currently $50 and is set at the charity’s AGM which is held before 30th September each year.
Members are invited to attend the AGM.
Member logo
Members of Soul Talks are given the opportunity to display the 'Soul Talks Member' logo on their website, and also recommend hyperlinking the image through to this website ( Please complete and submit a Membership Application Form (link to form). Once this formality is complete you will be notified via email and given a link for payment of the membership annual fee.
Donations can be a one off, regular or irregular contribution of any amount you like.
Even if you aren’t willing or able to support the community financially, you can still participate by attending our courses, events and even simply by staying in touch.
Sign up as an email subscriber (below) for regular newsletter emails and invitations to Forums, Courses and Soirees