‘Awakening to Death’ Presenters



Ujwala Asundi Kumar

My life as a working professional and family woman was the best I could have asked for. Recognition at social activities on a state and national level were earned as Chairperson for a women’s empowerment group and as Chairperson for Masoom – a youth wing that spread awareness against child sexual abuse. I believed I had everything to offer the world and yet everything I got back seemed empty and conflict-ridden.

It was in 2001 that I had an opportunity to learn the art and science of energy healing at the Pranic Healing course being organised by a close friend. I could not avail of it since my first daughter was very young. My husband Anurag went for the course and got the textbook back home. The book was on my bedside as an “interesting must-read” that I never found the time to read beyond the index page. It was in 2015 that I attended a Pranic Healing class and though I never went with an intention to do so, I experienced a sense of “finding” what I felt missing for so long.

Since that day in September 2015, I have attended Master Choa’s many Pranic Healing courses with superlative trainers and felt at home with the knowledge imparted. My journey as a student coincided with my pathway as a healer. The joy I felt, when someone sent a feedback that they were feeling better after a healing session, was incomparable!

My learnings from the school of Pranic Healing have opened up my mind to higher theosophical teachings of great teachers and authors such as Madame Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Arthur Powell and C.W.Leadbeater. The idea that we are the soul and as such on a spiritual journey, helps me distance myself from the drama of life on this planet while the meditations have helped me find the inner strength to resolve them with calm.

The astral journey ahead excites me, and all the many techniques taught help me bring an implementable real-world solution to my left-brained existence. Pranic Healing for me is Practical Spirituality. It is my way of life now and Ujwala -the Pranic healer, is seamlessly synchronised with Ujwala -the professional and family person. Using energy balancing in all aspects of my life has made it so very easy to navigate, and I have experienced this first-hand.

It is my honour to spread the teachings and look forward to my new co-travellers in South Australia. I believe my soul purpose shall be realised on the path of service.



Adrian Paech

For much of my early life I held values and beliefs largely rooted in materialism. I valued my car, owning my own house and having a well-paid job. Over time I realised that I was not living a life in alignment with my deeper values. I was not truly listening to my inner guidance, and I was disconnected from my true ‘Self’.

At age 28 I researched Politics, Science, Philosophy, Conspiracy Theory, Animal Abuse, Religion, Spirituality, and many, many other subjects. I became absorbed in my own treasure hunt for the “truth”. Ultimately, I was looking for someone to blame for my own pain, and at the same time, trying to figure out how to fix it.

Then one day things changed. The pain of ‘inner lack’ became so chronic, that I decided to step outside of my own comfort zone. I wanted to make a difference, I wanted to change the world. Yes, I had lofty ideas, but finally I listened to that inner voice, I followed through with that inner guidance. I ignored the judgement, the customs, and expectations of the external world around me. I began to live a more ‘intentional’ life, in alignment with my own inner guidance. This was my first initiation, on the “path of the heart”.

15 years on, having studied and practiced numerous spiritual paths, having had many direct spiritual experiences… I still get caught, I still make mistakes, and I still suffer….
But on the flipside, I can honestly say, I have experienced the most profound love, the most profound joy, and the most profound beauty… all of it more amazing than any movie I could ever imagine.

I now clearly see Suffering as ‘grace’… Suffering forced me to surrender, to let go, and to re-connect with my original father/mother, the One, the original Source… This re-connection to the One changed everything. It was the greatest gift ever given, in the last place I ever imagined I would find it… within me.

My aim in serving others, is only to… let go, and let God’…
I serve through:

  • Chanting devotional songs to the divine, honouring the One eternal light that lives in every one of our hearts.

  • Sharing and discussing spiritual truths, sacred texts and teachings.

  • Working on myself, to reach greater levels of humility, compassion for myself and compassion for all living beings.


Joy Nugent

From being introduced to death at the old Mary Potter Hospice, North Adelaide in 1986 I have had a desire to learn more about death and how best to support a person who is dying from old age or disease. I write about my career spanning three decades as a private palliative care nurse in my three books: As Good As Goodbyes Get – a Window into Death and Dying, My Way – One Nurse’s  Passion for End of Life and Parting the Veil – Reflections on Soul.

From Florence Nightingale’s theology I learned the mystical path is to go within and I have a life of meditation and introspection.  Important tools for getting to know myself were the Myers-Brigs Typology, the work of psychologist Carl G Jung, the Enneagram and the Esoteric Philosophy of Alice Bailey taught by William Meader from Emergent Light. I came across the work of Ram Dass about two decades ago as I galloped through life exploring Buddhism, Eastern Philosophies, Christianity, Taoism and Mystical Islam. 

With Andrew Harvey who co-edited the book The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying I was guided on a pilgrimage to Southern India where I stayed for several days in the Ashram begun by Christian Father Bede Griffiths alongside Hinduism and also spent time in the Ashram of Ramana Maharshi . Andrew Harvey translating the words of Rumi who said about religion that there are many lamps but only one light. Andrew Harvey taught me many mantras which I say as I take daily walks.

My interest in energy medicine began with medical intuitive Caroline Myss about twenty years ago. In recent times I have travelled with her to Medjugorje a town in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to Spain where our classes were conducted in the Monastery of Montserrat. In my early nursing career, I trained in Therapeutic Touch and Reiki. These two modalities became second nature to my work. I also completed training in Pranic Healing Level 3 with Licensed Teacher Daniel Coro.

Today I am guided in my understanding of energy by Jeffrey Allen from Mindvalley online training. Other teachers include Jean Houston, Eckhart Tolle, and Tara Brach. With the intention of understanding the different lays of consciousness I qualified in medical hypnosis as well as grief counselling with a certificate course offered by the Adelaide University.

In 2018 I launched the charity Soul Talks Incorporated to support health and wellness practitioners who acknowledged the work of soul in their work. Free Monthly Forums were held in Adelaide and in Gawler until the COVID virus struck. Today the Forums are held at the Hunab Ku Healing and Meditation Gallery, in Adelaide CBD and are conducted weekly.